3 times Rice with curry
Daily value of carbohydrate
Recommended intake of Carbohydrate daily for Adults 300 Grams.
Generally, a south Indian consumes 3 time rice with curry along with other snacks, tea etc fruits.
per 100 grams of cooked rice 130 calories. if we consume 500 grams (2x than recommended) of rice every day. it 5*130=650 calories.
rice with curry adds additional calories, we may consume up to 250 grams curry per a day.
curry includes oil, some ingredients which add additional calories to the diet. however,
calculating curry calories 25 calories. we have to check sperate page by calories in food.
Daily RDA Of calories 2000. but i consume up to 1500 calories a day. the worst part is eating right before sleeping caused me increase belly fat. my sedentary life not good.
Calculate burning calories by walking
5 KM walk calorie consumption:
2 Km walk
1 KM walk calorie consumption
its depends on weight of the person and speed, time of walking incline or decline etc.
75 Kgs and height 5.8 slow walking 60 minutes walking 2 KM distance burns 150 calories.
Calories burned while running
Heartbeat for 20 seconds,
Age, Weight, Running on level incline or decline, or straight.Distance.
27 years 75 kg man at heart beat rate 60 per second for 1 km consumes 34 calories.
5 Km consumes 172 calories.
which consumes more calories walking or running?
50 Minutes walk equal to 20 minutes running same calories to burned. but the calculator may be wrong.
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