Digital ocean vs Google cloud pricing
Google cloud products
- Compute Engine
- App Engine
- BigQuery
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud Bigtable
- Cloud Dataproc
- Compute Engine Standard Intel N1 1 VCPU running in Americas: 359.117 Hours $17.96
- Compute Engine High CPU Intel N1 4 VCPU running in APAC: 383.933 Hours $64.50
- 4 Vcpu @2.50GHZ 3.60GB Memory 384/24 = 16 days only got billed $64.50
- monthly pricing for 4cpu 3.60 RAM VM $85.84 Preemptible price 24.95$
- bandwidth,
- storage,
- Network Internet Egress
- Load balancing
- network operations
- every other serivce you charged separately on the monthly bill along with VM machine rent.
Calculating Price for 1GB, 10GB SSD 1cpu core
bandwidth price 1Gb 0.07$*
1Tb = 7$*(varies based in routed location)
Digital ocean vs Google cloud prcing
Custom machine prcing goolge cloud
1 CPU:
Memory 1GB:
1CPU 1Gb 19.22/month
1cpu core cost 18$*
1 cpu 2gb raM 21.50 3GB 23.77 4GB 26.04
19.22-21.50=2.28, 23.77-21.50=2.27, 21.50-23.77=2.27; 23.77-26.04=2.27
SO per 1 Gb ram it costs $2.27 per month.*
10GB ssb $1 per month”
2*CPU RAM 38.45
2 CPU 2 GB RAM 38.45,
4 CPU 4 Gb RAM 76.90 4C5GBM 79.17-76.90= 2.27
2 CPU 4 GB RAM 42.99-38.45=4.54/2=2.27
$36.18 per 2 core cpu no odd cores available
6 CPU 2 Gb RAM
108.54+27.24=135.78 but 128.97$ at sustained discuout (maybe agrees upto 50$)
n1 standard 8*30
144.72+68.1=212.82 but 192.84(10$ sustaine discount
1gB 38.458 , 2 gb
4X CPU RAm 115.34
Compute Engine Custom instance Core running in APAC: 2904.633 Hours
APAC (Asia) to EMEA(Europe, Africa, )
APAC to Americas
APAC to Australia
APAC to China
2 Cores CPU $20
Google 2.53 GHZ $38.84 but Preemptible price 10.95$
VPCU price and memroy indicated on google prcing portal by data
I get charged
2 vCPUs + 7.5 GB memory$80.30/month10 GB SSD persistent disk$1.70/monthSustained use discount – $24.09/monthTotal$57.91/month
Hosting WordPress on google cloud
We can install it directly from google launcher app>> WordPress install it.
But the traditional way to install lamp on Google cloud and then install the WordPress from Linux command line.
Root password disabled for google cloud. you can only login by SSH client putty or WinSCP, google cloud SDK tool. or directly from command line from the browser.
You can reserve a static IP address by clicking ephemeral IP address type on the VM instance.
– Install WordPress.
– Fill out a Deployment form, noting down your WordPress credentials.
– Enjoy your new WordPress site! an IP Address to Point Name servers
Management, disk, networking, access & security options, and select NetworkingGoogle Compute engineCreate project>> API Manager > Library>> Google Cloud APIs section>> Cloud Deployment Manager API.>>cloud launcher>>wordpress>>
Migrating WordPressAfter installation use WordPress Export/Import data as XML which includes posts, pages, comments,
for the theme, you have to use SSH
Autoscaling In google cloud Load balancing:
- High CPU
- High Memory
- Standard Resources