Migrated from digital ocean 2cores 4gb ram to HostGator cloud business 6cores 6gb ram.
using the package from 20+days,
The Problem limits same as shared hosting
25 Process limits per accounts, including php and mysql connections.
max questions reached for the user (1 hour blocking).
cannot handle 20+users per minutes (400live visits last 30 minutes) google analytics ga4.
local caching enabled.
differences between shared cloud and shared hosting
most web results confuses with dedicated cloud hosting instead of shared cloud hosting.
here shared cloud, they promise cloud storage, its not useful in shared hosting not like cloud platforms to scale enable, destroy machines to scale and save billing for enterprises.
system automatically kills more than 5 minutes,
more than 2 minutes
cannot use more than 25% of CPU Power more than 90 Seconds (16 cores 42gb ram ot 64gb whole server)
25 process per limits (mysql, php,)
server connections limit to account ???(25 processes)
If a user has between 15-19 processes running, system automatically kills any process running over 5 minutes. If more than 20 processes are running, our system will automatically kill any process running for longer than 2 minutes.
Php Limits ok
Memory limit 512
execution time 60 seconds
input time 60 seconds
upload size 512MB
Unhelpful support
asked questions monitor the resources, they said cannot,
asked above the limits they said no
asked to increase the limits 25 process they said no
asked to increase sql max questions per hours they said no (because its a shared hosting environment).
after enabling cloudflare caching full page, my live visits gone up from yesterday. taken 3 years package. cancelling package moving to other is boring now little bit lazy.
i update more details soon as soon as experience notice new things.
Hostinger cloud vs hostgator
Hostinger mentioned inode limits but hostgator not
hostinger price high RS.999 for 4gb 4gb ram, hostgator 833rs. per 6gb 6cores.