1 cpu core price calculation
depends gce location
us vs Mumbai (N1 standard
Us lowa (N1 standard
1cpu 3.75gb ram
hourly rate 0.033
sustained discount 30% for 1 month.
USD 24.27 per 1 month
Lowa N1 standard 2 (2cores 7.5GB)
hourly rate 0.066
sustained discount 30%
Component Cost: USD 48.54 per 1 month
Lowa N1 standard 4 (4 cores 15gb ram)
effective rate: 0.133
discount 30% sustained.
Cost: USD 97.09 per 1 month
local SSD space 1×375 GiB 127.09- 09= 30$
2x, 2x.
1GB RAM price calculation as on July 2020 GCE
custom machine us central lowa
1cr 2gb ram at 21.50pm 0.029/h
1cr 1gb 19.22 0.026/h
1cr 3gb 23.77/pm
4gb ram 26.05/pm 0.036/h
1gb ram cost:
21.50-19.22= 2.28$
26.05=23.77= 2.28$
1GB ram cost at us central lowa (machine type general N1)
compute optimized, memory optimized cost may slightly varies.
cpu price
1cr 1gb 19.22$
2cr 2gb 38.45$
4cr 4gb 76.90$
1cpu core cost:
Cpuprice+ramprice= ramprice = cpu price.
19.22- 2.28=16.94
38.45- 4.56= 33.89
76.90- 9.12= 67.78
1cpu core cost $17 at us central lowa
1GB SSD Persistent & local price calculation
Local SSD storage
375GB 30$ lowa
12.25GB / $1 (but bulk 375GB available)
Persistent disk: network pool of virtual storage.
SSD solid provisioned space
10GB SSD 1.70$ per month lowa. (minimum 10gb available)
10/1.7= 5.8GB for $1.
Network ingress bandwidth calculation
depends upon routing, location to Database,
Region internet egress you may see your billing.
ex 0.07/gb 7$ for tb North America.
update soon.
routing from different countries north america to Mumbai free.
Mumbai India datacenter
1cr 1gb= 22$
1cr 2gb = 24.60$
1cr 3gb = 27.20
1cr 4gb = 29.80$
24.60-22= 2.60$
2.60$ 1gb ram cost at Mumbai India
1cr 1gb = 22$
2cr 2gb =44$
4cr 4b =88$
22-2.60= 19.40$
44-5.20= 39.80$
88-10.40= 75.60$
1 cpu core cost a Mumbai 19.40$
SSD price local & persistent
80$ 2cr 2gb ram +375gb
80-44= 36$
1gb persistent disk 0.20$ per month.
SSD Provisioned Space: 1 GiB
USD 0.20
Regional SSD Provisioned Space: 1 GiB
USD 0.41
Standard Provisioned Space: 1 GiB
USD 0.05 (HDD)
Regional Standard Provisioned Space: 1 GiB
USD 0.10
Snapshot storage: 1 GiB
USD 0.03
10gb 2.04$
Regional SSD Provisioned Space: 10 GiB
USD 4.08
What is the main difference between standard persistent disks and SSD persistent disks?
simple answer: HDD vs SSD
their iops & read write speeds varies.
HDD 3IOPS/GB *(just for illustration)
local SSD vs persistent SSD in GCE
loca ssd physically attached to VM. So higher throughout, lower latency.
persistent disks persistent until the VM stopped or deleted.
(you can add disk to VM)
once the vm deleted data lost, (it may asks you to deattach the before you delete generally won’t).
sometimes we forget to delete disk,static ip address, snapshot.(beware of billing those).
persistent disk is network storage device, (persistent disk stores in several physical disks).
network egress bandwidth, 60% of the maximum write bandwidth goes to persistent disk traffic, leaving 40% for IP traffic.
Persistent disk IOPS and throughput performance depends on disk size, instance vCPU count, and I/O block size,
4vcpu iops capped at 15k 1tb ssd at 30k iops.
1vpcu for 2500r/w iops.
disk size iops per gb 3
custom machine type rather default machines
we need high memory for serving fast.
redis for object cache
MySQL innodb buffer pool
page cache (redis or fastcgi memcached)
free memory disk caching by linux for file serve)
php memory limit per process (more process/request)
apache need more memory
disk delivery 100-500mBps
memory 16GB to 24GBPS
hdd iops vs ssd iops
standard persistent disk (7200RPM) & iops 0.75iops
ssd Persistent disk 30iops
persistent disk vs local disk
local SSDs can only be purchased in 375 GB increments,
no bandwidth cost, no extra cpu,
higher throughout & lower latency but bulk 375GB @30$
throughput = IOPS * I/O size.
nvme in beta mode at gcp.
read more on HDD VS SSD vs NVME
google cloud free tier / always free
Note: your billing includes discount of free tire limits as per always free quota permonth.
also sustained discount for monthly billing.
also see Amazon EC2 Pricing & Amazon free tier.