reset forgotten password option by email
on the wp-login page we have to click on forgot the password.
after that, we have to enter the email. email does not work due to most of the causes Gmail throws in the spam folder.
open the spam folder and click on verify. otherwise look at the 2nd option.
some causes your server doesn’t have the mail server. mail() function doesn’t exist.
The email could not be sent.
Possible reason: your host may have disabled the mail() function.
Decrypting WordPress password md5 decryptor
it does not work. the md5 algorithm does not allow it for security reasons don’t waste time. you can see your wp password once you logged into the phpmyadmin panel.
updating new password in phpmyadmin
we can access phpmyadmin in most cases.
- click on wp-users>>browse users tables,
- edit the user (which user password to reset mostly admin)
- click user_pass enter your New password (in value column)
- most important select MD5 in function column.
- Online MD5 encryptors may not works.
updating the wp password in MySQL server
some situations No phpmyadmin.
No mail server.
If you have root access to the server only it works (digital ocean, aws, google cloud, Linode, vultr etc)
visit phpmyadmin demo page or install lamp / LEMP /wamp/ phpmyadmin on localhost to convert the password to md5.
you may also use md5 function in mysql or php to convert string to md5 password.
converting a string to md5 in phpmyadmin mysql
phpmyadmin>>sql>>run below query>> and it outputs the md5 password.
SELECT MD5(‘Yourpassword’);
ex:output b273cb2263eb88f61f7133cd308b4064
1.mysql login
mysql -u root -ppassword
2. to see the databaes
2. SELECTing database
use DBname;
UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = ‘MD5password’ WHERE `wp_users`.`ID` = 1;
ID=1 means only 1st user where the admin created while installation. otherwise, you may look for users in the database in the table in the command line.
by using describe table name.
show tables;
desc table-name
desc wp_users;
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