why git –
for managing code
– tracking history
– maintaing and managing source code (java, .net application)
– any text file can also be tracked
vendors – code hosting platforms (github, gitlab, bitbucket)
repository – The code of of our project is stored in the repository
working area —- it’s your project folder
staging/index —- git add filename ( you need to satge the changes befor comitting those changes)
local repo —– git commit -m “created file”
Remote Repo —– git push
username: becomedevops
password: token
git clone https://github.com/BecomeDevops/tryfail.git
863 ls
864 ls -lrt
865 cd tryfail
866 ls
867 touch test
868 git status
869 git add .
870 git status
871 git branch
872 git commit -m “created test file”
873 git status
874 git branch
875 git status
876 ls
877 git push
878 git status
879 ls
880 vi log
881 git add .
882 git status
883 git status
884 git rm –cached log
885 git status
886 ls
887 git clean -n
888 git clean -f
889 git status
890 ls
891 ls
892 git status
893 touch index
894 vi ndex
895 git status
896 ls
897 git add .
898 git status
899 git commit -m “index files”
900 git log –oneline –all
901 git log –oneline –all –graph
902 LS
903 ls
904 git reset –soft HEAD~1 – this will undo the commit in local repository but its available in staging area and working directory
906 git status
907 git log –oneline –all –graph
908 ls
909 touch ec2
910 ls
911 git status
912 git rm –cached index ndex
913 git status
914 git add .
915 git status
916 git commit -m “added ec2, index, ndex”
917 git status
918 git log –oneline –graph –all
919 git reset –hard HEAD~1 -> this will undo the commit from local repo, staging area and working fdirectory
920 git log –oneline –graph –all
sample git with example
git add .
files will be added to staging are
git commit -m “COMMIT msg”
files will be added to local repository
git push
files will be moved to remote repository
To create a branch
git branch branchname
to checkout the code to the branch
git checkout branch_name
git checkout -b branchname
mkdir azure
cd azure
to initialize git repository from local
git init
touch file2 fil3
git add .
git commit -m “SOME message”
git remote add origin https://github.com/BecomeDevops/azure.git
git push
what is git
—-> git is a version control system
track history
work together
it is centralized
why git
—-> using git we can record changes and keep the track of files
benefits over git
open source
we can revert back to previous file or previous version of the project
version control can track not only source code but also track any plain text file
time machine for your project
staged —
working dir, staging area(index), git dir (repository)
uncommited changes are present in our working directory
staging area – files in this state have been modified and added to be staged in next commit
using the command line
install git on windows, linux
configure git
initialize a new git project
code hosting provider
create an account
push our git project to a code
hosting provider
commit changes from index
install git
configure git
git help
initialize a new git repository
push you code to cod hosting provider
Every day git commands
by deafulat git has a master/main branch
usually in git a branch is created towork on a new feature
once the feature is deeloped, it is merged backto mastera and the bRANCH IS DELETED
A commit is also names by SHA1 hash
Every commit object has a pointer to the parent commit object
from a given commit, you can traverse back by looking at the parent pointer to view the history of the commit
if a commit has multiple parent commits, then the multiple parent commit has been created by merging two branches
Head — Head is a pointer, which always points to latest commit in the branch, whenever you make a commit, head is updated with the latest commit.
The heads of the branches are stored in
.git/refs/heads/ directory
ls -l .git/refs/heads/
cat .git/refs/heads/master
every branch is referenced by HEAD, which points to latest commit in the branch. whenever you make a commit, HEAD is updated with the latest commit
git reset —->
managing history
exploring the past
fixing mistakes
git workflows
– finding your workflow
cli – most of the time
gui will implement some common scenarios
four areas of git
stash area
working area
index/staging – before commit
working area — edit files
add files
ls -a
ls .git/
git objects
commit tree blob
commit – immutable
they can be created/deleted cannot modified
commit – snapshot of working area
each commmit to its parent commit
each commit is a snapshot
commits are slice of project history
commits are linked together to form a history
commit can belong to multiple branches
HEAD and the current commit
Head points to current branch and that branch points to current commit
deleting branch will delete its commits
workking area -> index(staging) -> repsitory
git status
ls .git/ –> index(transition area)
git status
git diff -comparing working are and index
compare index with repository — git diff –cached
how does this command move information across the four areas
how does this command change the repository
git workflows commands
git diff –cached
removing files in git
how to remove files for index/staging
git rm filename
git rm –cached filename
this will undo from the staging but not from
the working directory
git reset
reset does different things in different contexts
commands that move branches
pull – gets new commits from repo
head can point to the master
git reset –hard
reset – moves the to a specific commit
git reset –hard (copies commit from repo to working area and index)
git reset –mixed ( copies commits from repo to the index)
git reset –soft(moves the branches)
reset moves the current branch and optionally copies data from the repository to the other areas
git reset –hard fbe356
git moves the current branch to the previous commit
i want to undo index
git rm –cached
–> git reset HEAD –>
git reset –hard HEAD
stashing data
solving conflicts
working with paths
commiting parts of a file
stash—– git stash
the data is stash doesnt change unless you do want to
git stash –include-untracked
git stash list- store some stuff
each element gets labelelled
git stash apply
from stash to working dir
git add
git stash list
git stash clear
git stash list
merge conflicts
git branch one
git checkout one
git checkout master
git merge one
git status
ls .git
cat .git/MERGE_HEAD
git show commitid
git merger origin/master