How to check innodb buffer pool size in command line
mysql -u root -p
SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE “innodb_buffer_pool_size”;
Default 134MB in mysql 8 versions
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE “innodb_buffer_pool_size”;
| Variable_name | Value |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 134217728 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
How set innodb buffer pool size in command line dynamically
no restart required, but after restart it wipes
recommended equal to database size or atleast 50% so it loads from memory rather than disk.
SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=1073741824; (1gb)
Set on mysql.cnf
sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
below [mysqld]
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 8G
innodb_buffer_pool_size =512M
SET GLOBAL innodb_buffer_pool_size=bytes;//8G 512M 256M
innodb_buffer_pool_size adjusted to multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size * innodb_buffer_pool_instances
innodb_buffer_pool_reads/innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests*100= 0.001
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests are the number of requests to read a row from the buffer pool and
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads is the number of times Innodb has to perform read data from disk >> should be low
read efficiency:
write efficiency:
Adjusting buffer pool size according usage
after you set you can measure how much buffer pool utilization by this possible way its one of other things.
buffer pool pages /free vs
(Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total – Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free)
Previously ISET Buffer pool size to 1GB
i am calculating it
buffer pool Pages
free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3693 1726 208 134 1758 1560
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3693 1200 584 135 1908 2091
| Variable_name | Value |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data | 36099 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty | 0 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed | 702960 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | 28445 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc | 992 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | 65536 |
| Variable_name | Value |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data | 30080 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty | 0 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed | 180 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | 1834 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc | 854 |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | 32768 |
Allocating mysql memory
check innodb buffer pool usage efficiency
| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads | 35780
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads vs Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests
InnoDB Write buffer efficiency”?
default 128MB
The increase means that log flushes are less frequent