mysql password is the biggest concern while we connecting to database. we don;t know either it password or permissions problem. the easiest way we can reset or update the new mysql root password. i struggled many times in past few years. so i decided to write a clean examples to save your time.
How to Reset/Change MySQL Password when you unable to login
1st step: we stop the mysql
2nd we skip the password authentication
3rd we set new password and enable password authentication
command line termi ssh@roott
service mysql stop Disable mysql grant taables
mysqld_safe –skip-grant-tables
login to mysql without password
update new root password for mysql server
below mysql 5 and mariadb
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=password(‘newpasword’) WHERE User=’root’;
mysql 5.7 + mysql 8
removed password column in mysql.users tables only authentication string left
ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘new-Root-Password’;
Step 2: grant all permissions to root
step 3
to reflect changes.
Restart mysql server
service mysql start
mysql_upgrade password
mysql_upgrade helps to upgrade database when your moving to 5.7 or 8 version.
this will helps you set password while installing mysql server.
Create new user and set password in mysql
CREATE USER ‘UsernameHere’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘PasswordHere’;
default mysql root password
by default, the username is root and there’s no password. if anyone added password during installation, and you are unable to login.
then skip grant table is best option for you.
or any user has root privileges can set or update new password user root.
alter vs update in mysql
ALTER Command is used to add, delete, modify the attributes of the relations (tables) in the database.
UPDATE Command is used to update existing records in a database. (works within table)
SET is a variable used with update command
see more at mysql access denied for user root
How do I find my MySQL root password?