WIndows 10>>Message icon right side >> Mobile Hotspot.
Windows Wifi Not Turning On
Reinstall the Driver.
go to Device manager find wifi then update drier.
Buy a wifi dongle.
how to share wifi from laptop how to share internet from laptop through wifi in windows 8 windows 7 xp also this method works on all windows os versions like xp 7 8.
Just download Microsoft virtual router, other software are limited, and those includes adware,
- netsh wlan show drivers
- netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=wifiname key=wifipass
- netsh wlan start hostednetwork
The hosted network couldn’t be started.
The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.
Simply Enter below commands.
- SSID: is your optional name, password also Optional
- Run cmd as administrator just press Start button+R type cmd and enter but you have to run as admin
- 3rd command not necessary, Now it works on my mobile.
- if not you have manually share from internet LAN to this network
- now working.mostly connection ethernet you same process apply on that.
Step 1 how to create wifi hotspot?
Sharing the internet from windows 10 pC
Windows hotspot pro app is just a set of instructions.
Go to ms command and paste this command press start+R and type cmd.exe and copy the code below. paste in ms command by right click on the windows status bar above.
CMD must be run as administrator.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow key=rg22tg22
and then below next start command
Step 2 How to start wifi hotspot?
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
if not started you may check out problems facing while sharing wifi hotspot.
if above not worked sometimes you may also learn
If created and Started but No Internet access.
Then you have share internet from LAN Adapter to Microsoft Virtual Adapter.
how to create wifi hotspot using cmd?
- click start searches for cmd then right click on cmd
- run as administrator
ok check devices use this command "netsh wlan show drivers"
in command prompt and press enter.Hosted network supported :Yes
means that your computer supports hosted networks. Verify this. if it set to no you do not need to go the further step.- Type
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspotname key=password
and it show like this
C:Windowssystem32>netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Hotspot Name key=password
The hosted network mode has been set to allow.
The SSID of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
The user key passphrase of the hosted network has been successfully changed.
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Stop. Type
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
in command prompt to stop the hotspot.
How to manually create the hotspot?
for this, you need to go Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork and Sharing Center and select
- set up the new connection
- Manually connect to wireless connection
- choose wifi and click next
- enter hotspot name as Network security choose WEP and password Abcd1.
- click next it will found on right side of available networks.
- to share internet to this hotspot check below the line.
How share the internet to hotspot from Local Area connection or wireless connection?
After creating hotspot you need to share the internet from above one of the source to hotspot for this you need to Go control panel Network and sharing center also you can do this by right clicking on the LAN indicator which right side of the Task Bar.
After you open the network sharing settings click on the Adapter settings. choose which adapter you are getting the internet to the laptop and then right click on it Go to sharing tab in opened windows enable sharing and choose newly created hotspot to share.
This is the process works perfectly.
if you unable to do this there is third party software do this simple just download and install it free.
connectifymevirtual wifi hotspot just search on Google. virtual wifi router from Microsoft.
And my story
how to share the internet from the laptop through wifi in windows 8 on Lenovo g570 Notebook?
how to start wifi in Lenovo g570 Notebook?
How to enable disable WiFi?
Lenovo g570 windows 8 wifi share errors
WiFi share on windows 8 problems to fix
Known errors:
Requested resource could not be started.
Microsoft virtual wifi Miniport adapter driver download windows 8
Enable power management on the device
You can enable Power Management in the Network Sharing Center > “Change adapter settings” > Right click the Wi-Fi adapter and select “Properties” > “Configure” > “Power Management” > Enable “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.”
How to fix this issue wifi being connecting from iPhone and Android and virtual Microsoft router displaying below message.
Hostname could not be found
Ip Address could not be found
this can help with virtual router 1.0 Microsoft
Connectifyme8.0 version sharing internet first time but not regular.
connectifyme limits
- WiFi access only 30minutes after that we need to reconnect it.
- sources
- Custom name Not allowed
Sharing the Internet Through Bluetooth PAN personal Area Network
First, you have to create a Network and pair devices. then you have to share the internet through the network.
Sharing the Internet through USB reverse tether.
in iPhone this option configured by default in IOS .
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